

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Life and Knitting

It seems every time I try to get back into my needleworking, I get sidetracked or something happens to take my mojo. But I am trying again.

It's been 10 years since I knitted the socks I posted about here. And as I previously posted, I forgot just about everything about how to do it. I needed to get back into knitting again to refresh my memory so I started a blanket. I have been working on it for weeks. It's not perfect but it's good enough to give to my grandson when I finish it. And its served its purpose....I relearned how to knit and purl and I started another sock. I had to relearn Judy's Cast On but I finally got it down and made the toe and the foot. Then things started to fall apart. The pattern I used the last time wasn't available....the link was dead. I looked up other patterns, videos, etc and tried a couple for the heel. I got SO messed up and I had to frog a dozen times and the frustration was nearly unbearable. Knitting is supposed to be relaxing....not cause anxiety. So I frogged the heel one last time and put the sock aside as I had some other things in life to address. I had some patterns I had printed out and decided to go through them and wouldn't you know....I printed out the directions for the sock that I used the last time! I was elated! So I now have that on hand and plan to go back to the sock and continue. With any luck, I will have a pair done soon. I promised a male friend of mine that I would make him a pair so I need to get the procedure down again. I just bought some new sock yarn and I am eager to use it, although I still have other sock yarn I haven't used. The best-laid plans, as they say. Hopefully those plans will be fulfilled soon. 

I am not only keeping cool...as ever,

I am Kneedled